Head, Club Ethis Real Estate Crowdfunding and Co-founder, Kapital Boost SME Crowdfunding

Umar Munshi

Umar Munshi is a Social Entrepreneur. He started his first business in the year 2000 at the age of 18, when he brought a physical business online and outpriced competitors from cost savings. He then ventured into a Nanotechnology Healthcare business, bringing it from Singapore to Saudi Arabia before eventually focusing on Indonesia. In 6 years, he had expanded to 5 major cities in Indonesia. He also ventured into F&B in Singapore, and in 2006 received the Malay Chamber’s Young Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist Award for his achievements. In late 2011, he returned to Singapore to focus on developing Islamic Finance at the grassroots level.

Amanah Asset Management made some difference, especially in educating the public about Islamic Finance and in December 2013, he co-founded Club Ethis – the World’s First Ethical & Islamic Real Estate Crowdfunding Platform. All his businesses are lean startups which grow organically. Club Ethis is Headquartered in Singapore, with a Country Office in Jakarta, Indonesia and a Representative Office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Umar is the of head the Singapore Chapter of TDA, an Indonesian-based Community of 30,000 entrepreneurs and is on the Board of Directors of the Singapore Malay Chambers of Commerce. sg.linkedin.com/in/umarmunshi